Obituary for WL Jacobs BEM
William Leslie Jacobs BEM of Camberley on 27 Sep 2011, aged 90. He served in D Coy 1 Cambs Regt from Apr 1939 to May 1940, then with 1 Suffolk from May 1940 in the Carrier Pl. Wounded in Jun 1944, he was medically discharged in Jan 1945. He took part in the Normandy landings on D Day, on Sword Beach, from where the Bn moved inland taking the fortress Hillman in Colleville, later followed by the battle at the Chateau de la Londe where Bill was wounded and repatriated to England.
Bill was a great character in all senses of the word – a skilful driver of a carrier and a stalwart member of the Pl throughout combined operations training mainly in Scotland and subsequently in action in Normandy. His departure at the Chateau was a big loss but his interest and strong support for the Suffolk Regt continued at the end of hostilities, attending the D Day reunions each year in Normandy where he made a big impression on Les Amis. Bill was a fine upstanding figure who was always to the fore on these occasions, very proud of having been a soldier and in the Suffolk Regt.
In civilian life he attributed much of his success to the training and the discipline of life in the Army. He was involved in the construction of Heathrow Airport and joined the Ministry of Aviation in the MT section ending up as Deputy Manager Security Documentation and was awarded the BEM in Jun 1964, for services to aviation. He retired in 1984 having completed 37 years.
He was a keen golfer and a member of the Ascot Golf Club where he was held in high regard for his wartime experience. Bill was a member of the Freemasons for more than 50 years, something of which he was also very proud.