Obituary for Richard Faulkner
Richard Faulkner died in 2023.. Richard served as a National Service signaller in Malaya in 1959 and 1960 in 1/3 E ANGLIAN. He was one of the two Tracker Team signallers.
He had a long memory and remembered the incident n which OC No 1 Tracker Team (me) shot the end off his shot gun by being in too much of a hurry! He was demobbed in Malaya. Nothing was heard for many years until he advertised in the local papers to form a Veterans’ Group based on 1/3 E ANGLIAN.
He received a large number of takers, forming a web site, and arranging two meetings a year at Duxford, maintaining a close liaison with the Regimental Museum.
He formed a Veterans’ shop which sold items such as Pompadour ties, the original E ANGLIAN cap badge and veteran hats. He kept the web site well updated and ran excellent gatherings at Duxford, laying wreaths. The annual Christmas lunch was a great success.
These gatherings were extremely popular. He even had veterans turning up from Australia. The group covered a large area of East Anglia. A cheerful person his efforts will live on for many years. We send his wife Sylvia our sincerest condolences.
Major Pat King