Brigadier AFFH Robertson CBE PhD Royal Anglian Regiment

Obituary for Brigadier AFFH Robertson CBE PhD

Brigadier Angus Robertson was born on 26th November 1928 and entered RMA Sandhurst in 1946, Intake 1, destined for the Indian Army – an ambition thwarted by Indian Independence, to the advantage of the British Army and ultimately the Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire Regiment.

Commissioned in July 1948, he joined the Regiment in Salonika, Greece, in time to parade as one of the four colour ensigns taking part in the amalgamation parade of the 1st and 2nd Battalions. His early service followed a familiar pattern of an infantry subaltern in the immediate post war period, with appointments of Carrier Platoon Commander, MTO, ADC to the Governor of Hong Kong, service with the SAS Regiment in Malaya and as a company second in command. At the amalgamation of the Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire Regiment and the Essex Regiment he was appointed Adjutant in the newly formed 1st Bn the 3rd East Anglian Regiment.

Promoted to major in 1959, he attended the Royal Navy Staff College, Greenwich; he was later GSO2 Instructor at the RAF College, Cranwell and later still a GSO1 Instructor at the Army Staff College. Command of 23 SAS Regiment was followed by a tour as the British Army Liaison Officer at Fort Benning, USA. Surely a unique range of experience, postings and appointments, which would be difficult to match in any recent period of British Army history

Brigadier Robertson could also count in his career service in Cyprus, Korea, Belgium (SHAPE) and Northern Ireland, including three tours with the SAS Regiment, interspersed with regimental, staff and instructional duties. In 1978 he was appointed Commander British Forces Belize where, on completion of his tour, he was awarded the CBE. His final appointment was Deputy Commander Rhine Area, before retiring to his home in Suffolk in 1983, following 37 years of achievement and advancement throughout the Cold War period

In retirement he advanced the BA he gained during his service to MA and subsequently to PhD. His thesis was on the impact on Colchester of the British Army in the period 1854 to 1914. He subsequently lectured on military history and more generally on historical myths. Most notably he was for 24 years the Chairman of the Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire Regiment Association – from 1984 until 2008 – thus completing 60 years of unbroken service to his Regiment. During his tenure as Chairman he ensured that the running of the Association met his own high standards, particularly updating Association rules, finances, museum administration, membership and the production and distribution of The Wasp. Additionally the County of Suffolk Branch of the Army Benevolent Fund benefited from his energetic chairmanship over a period of 25 years of productive fund raising.

Brigadier Robertson married Gillian who, with their three daughters, Penny, Alex and Susie survive him. He died at Old High House, Kettlebaston, on the 21st July 2012, and is buried in the parish churchyard. A service of celebration of his life was held in The Royal Anglian Regiment and Essex Regiment Chapel at Warley on Sunday 7th October 2012, when a large congregation of brother officers and representatives of units, organisations, colleagues, friends and family gave thanks for the life of a remarkable officer.