I recently left the regular British Army after a 34 year career in the Regiment and have been involved in numerous operations in Northern Ireland, Afghanistan and Iraq as well as appointments in Canada, Gibraltar, the United States, Jordan, Oman and latterly in Ethiopia.
I was commissioned in August 1990 and not long after that went to command a platoon in Londonderry with the Pompadours. On merger in 1992, I served in the Vikings for a short period as a company second-in-command in Colchester which was part of 24 Airmobile Brigade. After a series of staff jobs I then went on to serve in the Poachers as a rifle company commander based in Chepstow, with operational commitments in NI and Afghanistan. I was the Poacher’s second-in-command while based in Ternhill, which included a tour in Basra as Basra City South Battlegroup. My time with our Battalions were the best moments for me, though too brief, which is sadly typical for a career officer.
I have had 2 staff appointments with the US Army. The first with 10th Mountain Division which included a tour of Baghdad as an operations and plans officer for 2nd Brigade 10th Mountain Division. My last appointment with the US was at Joint Modernization Command at Fort Bliss Texas, looking into Brigade Combat Team trials in tactics, organisation, equipment and improvements to the communications network following the shift from low-intensity operations as witnessed in Afghanistan to full-scale warfighting, prompted by the Russian invasion of Crimea in 2014. Latterly, I have worked in Ethiopia at the British Embassy working with the African Union in advising and supporting their Peace Support Operations across the continent, (Somalia, Chad Basin, Eastern DRC, Mozambique and so on).
I live near Diss in Norfolk and have recently taken over as Regimental Secretary; it is a privilege to return to the Regimental family, seeing old friends, but especially so by reconnecting with those with whom we have lost contact and helping our people in need where we can. I am hugely proud and grateful to be able to give something back and to be associated with the best of British Infantry. My spare time will be spent renovating my recently purchased house for now, built in 1650 and I’m developing a love hate relationship with it. I am married to Louise and we have three grown-up children who live in London.