News, Veteran News | 14 May 2024

Mental Health Awareness Week – Access to Leafyard

Leafyard - Mental fitness for you and your family

Our Regiment is a large, united family, and we should look after one another accordingly. We are therefore delighted to offer Leafyard 100% FREE and on a totally anonymous basis for you, and up to four members of your family.

You can also request a card to gift to a Royal Anglian mate in need of a little extra support.

Leafyard recognises that we are all a ‘work in progress’
Changing our thoughts, feelings and habits can take time. Leafyard acts as a supportive sidekick that is there for the long haul. Think of Leafyard like you would a gym membership – a place where you work on your issues and effort rewards progress.

There for you every step of the way, Leafyard is there to adapt and change with the ups and downs that we all face. It works to discover what works for you and motivates you to put intent into action.

Free and Anonymous Access here

Backed by science for you to take action

Science has proven that there are many things we can do to improve our mental fitness: good habits, diet, sleep, exercise, relationships, and changing your thought patterns. The problem is, we don’t take action when we feel down. We don’t actually *do* the things that make us feel better.

In reality, there are people out there, every single day, who are recovering from anxiety, stress and depression. Leafyard shows you the science behind the things they did to feel better. If you do the same things, you stand every chance of feeling better too.

As well as education and motivation, Leafyard provides you with a constant stream of unique, guided meditations to explore.

Meditation is a proven way to reduce the number of stress chemicals in our body, clear our minds of troubling chatter and thoughts and helps us to focus on clarity and calm. Leafyard’s multifaceted strategy helps you craft inner stability and offers ways to look at your thoughts in new and revealing ways.


Leafyard mental Health support

How to gain free and anonymous access

To request a gift card for you, a member of your family, or a fellow Royal Anglian please the dedicated Leafyard website link below. No Royal Anglian should ever feel left behind.

Leafyard - Royal Anglian

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