Serving under the United Nations cap badge, Private Giles Maythan was deployed in Cyprus on OPERATION TOSCA 33 for 8 months as a peacekeeper in order to maintain the status quo between the Cypriot and Turkish sides of the country.
His role involved patrolling the buffer zone looking for violations of the peace treaty such as weapons and building violations, and civilian and military incursions into the green zone.
Approaching the Opposing Forces to inform they were in violation of a particular rule was an interaction Private Maythan found particularly challenging.

This was a high intensity operation, as Private Maythan was unarmed, yet surrounded by two armies who both were ready and willing to fight, despite it being over 50 years since the fighting officially stopped. However, he felt that in the hearts and minds of both sides, the conflict is still as fresh today as it was then.
He also knew before leaving for Cyprus that being away from his son would be particularly difficult but hadn’t realised the extent to which he would be missing so much. His son was 3 when he left, and 4 when he returned, so the guilt of leaving him weighed heavily on his mind.
Private Maythan is an Infanteer and has been serving in the Army Reserves for 4 years, enjoying all aspects of being a soldier, from the fitness and mindset required to complete tasks, to the skills he has been taught. He also enjoys working with the other Reserves in his section, and particularly likes being on exercise.
In his day to day life he works in security, but he feels that being in the Reserves has given him a purpose, and a sense of being part of something far bigger than himself, knowing he is making a difference, which is something he is always proud of.