News | 05 February 2025

Announcement for the Death of Major Anthony Jones

The Regiment regrets to inform you of the death of Major (Retired) Anthony Jones (Tony) who sadly died from sepsis and acute renal failure on Monday 21stJanuary 2025 in Thailand, where he owned a holiday home. Tony joined the Army in 1969 and trained at Sutton Coldfield, prior to joining the 1st Battalion, The Vikings in Catterick and served in B Company. He would continue to serve the Regiment for 47 years in uniform and later as an Area Secretary at Regimental Headquarters.

Tony was an outstanding character, soldier and superb sportsman who had the ability to command the respect of all those he came in to contact with. His unique style and personality have influenced many soldiers and officers alike. Many will have been educated in the errors of their ways, guided by him and mentored by him. He was considered by all to be the greatest of leaders who led by example. His unique style and charisma set him aside from his peerw.

After Catterick, Tony moved to Londonderry with the 1st Battalion which was considered to have been a demanding tour. In that time he was awarded a Royal Humane Society Award for a combined effort in saving a man from drowning in the River Foyle. He moved with the Vikings to Cyprus in 1972 and Tidworth 1974. In 1978 as a Platoon Sergeant in the mechanised role he moved to Celle, and on to be the Anti-Tank Platoon as 2IC. In 1982 he moved to Oakington and was posted as PSI to 6 R Anglian in Cambridge. On completion he moved back to the Vikings as CSM B Company and embarked on another residential tour of Londonderry, after which he moved to Gibraltar as RQMS(M) and the RSM. In 1990 he moved to Colchester and was commissioned in 1991 as the MTO, he went on to be QM(T), QM and OC HQ Coy. It was whilst OC HQ coy that his leadership shone through when they became the Champion Company much to the disgust of the rifle and support companies at that time. He also completed a tour as QM for 3 R Anglian. Tony deployed on multiple operational tours in Northern Ireland as well as Croatia and Afghanistan. After finishing his uniformed career Tony want onto be an Area Secretary at Regimental Headquarters working out of Warley, where amongst his responsibilities was looking after the Regimental Chapel, a role he cherished. He assisted in the organisation of several freedom parades and funerals of the fallen from our Afghan tours. His ability to get local councils and organisations to come together to produce an excellent event, spoke volumes of his communication and personal skills.

Tony’s sporting prowess was legendary. He played football for many years at Battalion level, for the Vikings and eventually became OIC football. As an accomplished sprinter he was part of the team that won the Army Championships in the early 1970s, he played cricket for the Vikings and enjoyed rugby. Many young officers took him on at squash only to find themselves at the end of a thrashing. Later in his career he even ran in the Battalion cross country team. In his off-duty time, he enjoyed golf.
Tony met his wife Rhonda whilst on his first tour of Londonderry and they have two sons Anthony and Stephen. Rhonda fought a protracted battle with cancer, Tony’s strength and compassion was much in evidence as he continued to nurse Rhonda whilst juggling his career. She eventually passed away in 2014. Tony met his second wife Bobbi whilst holidaying in Thailand, they married in 2021, Tony moving to set up home with Bobbi in her native Canada.

Tony was cremated in Thailand and there was a celebration of his life with family and local friends, with another to follow in Canada. It is hoped to have a memorial service in the UK later in the year. Details will follow when known.
The thoughts and prayers of the Regiment are with Tony’s family and friends at this sad and difficult time.

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