Soldiers Who Have Served

Name: Peter Doidge Taunton

Rank: Major

Regimental number: 432785

Background: Peter was a skilled horseman, competing at top level, and Master of Hounds. He wrote poetry and played music and was proficient in a number of languages, having studied French and German at Oxford. He is survived by his wife Joanna, whom he married in April, 1963, and two children, William and Edward. 

Army career: Peter enlisted for National Service in 1952 in The Northamptonshire Regiment. He later served as an Officer with 2nd East Anglian Regiment and The 2nd Battalion The Royal Anglian Regiment.

Peter served as an ADC Adjutant and attended Staff College.

A keen sportsman, he played cricket, polo and hockey, and boxed at Oxford as well as in the Army.

Date of death: 26/10/1970 

Circumstances: Peter died while serving with the Regiment in Northern Ireland. 

Resting place: Charlton Musgrove Village Church, Somerset

Major Peter Doidge Taunton Royal Anglian Regiment
Major Peter Doidge Taunton Royal Anglian Regiment