Obituary for James Buntine

Jim, as he was informally known, died on 7 September 2010, aged 60.

He served with distinction for some years with 1 (Dereham) Platoon, A (Royal Norfolk) Coy, 6 (V) Bn The Royal Anglian Regiment, succeeding, in 1982, as Platoon Sgt, The Late Great CSM Colin Sadd (who also died prematurely, in 2012).

Latterly employed as an HGV driver by Walpole Transport in Dereham, Jim was diagnosed with cancer in April 2010.

Former A Coy CSgt Peter Whitwell recalled: ‘He was the kind of Sgt that one wouldn’t argue with. Like a true Scotsman, he enjoyed the social life at the Dereham TA centre.’