News, Veteran News, Heritage | 26 June 2024

Royal Anglian Regiment Support Event for World War One Soldiers Buried in France

14 Commonwealth soldiers who fought in World War One, have been laid to rest in France. Some of the men were from The Suffolk Regiment. Personnel from

The Royal Anglian Regiment were present to show their respects to our fallen.

See the GOV.UK website

The men were commemorated in three burial ceremonies throughout this week:

  • On 18 June, one soldier of an unknown regiment was buried at the Commonweath War Graves Commission (CWGC) Caterpillar Valley Cemetery, Longueval.
  • On 19 June, one soldier of an unknown regiment was buried at CWGC Serre Road No. 2 Cemetery.
  • On 20 June, one unknown officer and two unknown soldiers of the Suffolk Regiment, one unknown soldier of the Royal Fusiliers and one unknown officer and seven unknown soldiers of unknown regiments, were buried at CWGC Wancourt British Cemetery.

All services were organised by the MOD’s Joint Casualty and Compassionate Centre (JCCC), also known as the ‘MOD War Detectives’.

The soldier buried at CWGC Caterpillar Valley Cemetery was discovered in a freshly ploughed field on the edge of High Wood, Longueval. The soldier buried at CWGC Serre Road No. 2 Cemetery was discovered by tourists walking by another ploughed field near Beaumont Hamel. The remains of both men were recovered by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission.

See the GOV.UK website for more information

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