Initial planning and costing is already underway for next year’s Regimental Battlefield Study. Our intended destination is the Dardanelles in Turkey. The BFS will focus on expeditionary operations and use of light role infantry during the Gallipoli campaign. Our forbear regiments feature prominently in the chronology of the 1915 campaign so there will be ample opportunity to reflect on our own Royal Anglian heritage.
Provisional dates for our are 19-23 May 25. This allows plenty of time for our transit to and from the battlefields via Istanbul. We will spend a full 3 days walking the battlefields. We will spend a day in the Anzac sector, a day on the Helles Peninsula following the 29th Division, and the third day around Suvla Bay following the Territorials of 54th (East Anglian) Division.
The majority of our battlefield days will be spent on foot gaining an understanding of the terrain and climate of the peninsula and the challenges faced by the combatants. We are planning to take 30 Royal Anglians to Gallipoli – 10 x 1st Bn, 10 x 2nd Bn and the remaining 10 pax being 3rd Bn, RHQ and Veterans. A basic level of fitness and mobility is required as we will be walking on paths and tracks for most of the day. We will also be swimming over some of the wrecks close to the coast line.